Cognitive Connection, July 23: The Writing Life When You’re Trying to Get Published, Learning About Slush and Reading Memoirs

Cognitive Connection. Thinking. Image courtesy of stock.xchng®The lesson learned this week: sometimes you just have to throw everything out the window and focus on what’s in front of you. Which is to say, I didn’t get much of my own writing done after Monday. Did I curse myself with my “Writer at Work” post? I doubt it. Life (real life, not related to writing or work) just decided I needed to pay it some attention and it’s made each day an adventure. Though there’s not much more that can be said now, I’m very curious to see what will unfold between now and this time next week.

And I still found some fantastic reads and resources for you.

  • Christina Baker Kline: Writing/ Life Great Writing Last week I linked to Justin Kramon’s 2 Concrete Ways To Keep Your Writing Career Moving Forward. This week, Justin has a guest post on Christina Baker Kline’s website and I’m linking to it for two reasons: it’s an interesting post and Christina’s blog is fantastic. I just discovered it and she a published author who, like Justin, offers tips and resources for writers. Be prepared to spend some time in her archives when you visit.
  • Jezebel When a Memoir’s Post-Book Breakup Breaks Your Heart This one is more on the light-hearted side, but it’s appropriate for a summer Friday. The most encouraging: how much the blogger who wrote this piece connects with memoirs—and I suspect she’s not alone.
  • Nathan Bransford In Praise of Reading Slush A literary agent ponders the future of the slush pile given the growing ability of writers to self-publish and shares a few things writers could learn from reading slush.
  • The Awl Very Recent History: The “Slush Pile” by Jane Hu (an intern at The Awl with the coolest beat: hanging out in libraries). This one is for both word lovers and writers who wish to publish; read and learn.

For my friends in advertising

Okay, and it’s in honor of the season four premiere of Mad Man. I couldn’t resist.

Your turn. Any opinions, blog posts or articles on writing you’d like to share? Post away in the comments below. Thanks!