Cognitive Connection October 9

Cognitive Connection. Thinking. Image courtesy of stock.xchng®I have loved magazines as long as I can remember. My grandfather always had stacks of magazines around the house—and it’s clear he shared his habit with me. While I don’t regularly read any of the four titles (Gourmet, Cookie and two bridal magazines) Conde Nast shuttered this week, the news still hit me hard.

Many people cite online and mobile content as one of the main reasons for so many magazine closures. While I can certainly understand that, I can’t imagine living in a world free of print. There’s something wonderful about flipping through the pages of a glossy magazine. With just one glance at my office or living room, you’ll know immediately that I put my money behind those words.

With that, I give you my favorite links from the week.


Fun with Language




Did you read anything that particularly stuck with you this week? Share, please! The floor is yours.

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